DHL looking to hire the following positions in Bahrain - دي إتش إل تتطلع إلى توظيف الوظائف التالية في البحرين

Required for hiring in Bahrain
, DHL has announced many vacant job opportunities in different specialties, according to the details in the following announcement

1-  B1 / B2 Certifying Engineer

Your Tasks:
Ensure that aircraft maintenance is performed to the highest standards and at all times in compliance with applicable and approved data.
Responsible for the written and verbal communication of information from his shift to supervisors and the succeeding shift to ensure a satisfactory level of continuity and safety with regard to work in progress (or pending) with respect to aircraft, equipment, personnel and safety.
Be responsible for requisitioning of parts from stores, assuring serviceability of parts, completion of appropriate tags, return of parts to stores and assuring that required forms and documents are properly completed.
Ensure that all maintenance related documentation is properly actioned and completed.
Keep up-to-date on all applicable regulations, Service Bulletins, Airworthiness Directives and manufacturer’s service letters and other pertinent publications.
Shall ensure that safety precautions and safe practices are adhered to and practiced by those personnel under his direction. Reporting any unsafe conditions or equipment to the Line Manager.
Ensure that company owned and/or operated maintenance and ground support equipment is operated and maintained in safe and operable condition.
Ensure that all line maintenance areas are kept in a neat and orderly manner at all times and all tools are maintained in a controlled environment.
Will be required to act on behalf of Line Supervisor or Line Manager as required.
Inputting of all relevant aircraft Tech Log and Work Order information including component changes into the TRAX computer maintenance program and the writing of concise shift turnover reports.
Provide Flying Spanner Support when required.
To provide AD HOC Aircraft AOG recovery support when required.
Must be able to analyse and troubleshoot aircraft systems and engines utilising knowledge learnt from individual aircraft type courses, maintenance manuals and references, and experience gained from “hands on” practical OJT.
Must be able to make timely and appropriate decisions based on problem solving ability and experience. Remains objective and co-ordinates with relevant departments, even when under pressure, to make a calculated decision with considerations given to safe ‘on time performance’ of the company fleet.
Must be able to prioritise work requirements based on fleet arrivals, departures and scheduled maintenance. Monitor progress throughout shift, anticipate problems and adjust work or schedule to ensure optimum serviceability at all times. Including flying technical support when called upon.

2- Sort Agent

Work as part of a team in the sorting of material through the HUB, ensuring that all material is prepared and ready for uplift within the given deadlines.


Sort inbound material as per the Team Leader/ Supervisors instructions.
Prepare outbound material for dispatch as per Team Leader/ Supervisors instructions.
Ensure loading and unloading of inbound / outbound trucks / vans are done in compliance with Global SOP procedures.
Ensure the Sort Area is clean and tidy at the end of the shift as per Team Leader/supervisors instructions.
Adhere to the Company’s safety policy regarding forklift and equipment usage.
Basic day-to-day problem solving may be required of any issues that will affect the smooth operation of the sort area.
Planning and organizing of own workload as delegated by Sort Team Leader will be required.
Ensure that the sorting of material moving through the HUB is conducted in the most efficient manner and in line with the Global SOP and Quality Protocols

 To Apply
To Learn More And To Apply Visit The Following Link



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