
United Nations Development Programme hiring Procurement Assistant-NPSA 5 in bahrain برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي تريد مساعد المشتريات-NPSA 5


The Procurement Assistant can supervise clerical and support staff of the Procurement Unit. 

The Procurement Assistant works in close collaboration with the operations, programme and projects’ staff in the CO and UNDP HQs staff for resolving complex Procurement related issues and information exchange. 

 Summary of Key Functions:

Implementation of operational strategies

Supports in Organizing of procurement processes 

Supports in Implementing of sourcing strategy

Provision of logistical services

Supports in facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing

1.Ensures implementation of the operational strategies focusing on achievement of the following results:

Full compliance of procurement activities with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies; implementation of the effective internal control.

 CO Procurement business processes mapping and elaboration of the content of internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in Procurement and Logistics in consultation with the direct supervisor and office management.


2. Supports in organizing  procurement processes for CO and projects and at the request of other Agencies focusing on achievement of the following results:

Preparation of procurement plans for the office and projects and their implementation monitoring.

Organization of procurement processes including preparation and conduct of RFQs, ITBs or RFPs, receipt of quotations, bids or proposals, their evaluation, negotiation of certain conditions of contracts in full compliance with UNDP rules and regulations. 

Preparation of Purchase orders and contracts in and outside Quantum, preparation of Recurring Purchase orders for contracting of services, vendors’ creation in Quantum . Buyers profile in Quantum.

Preparation of submissions to the Contract, Asset and Procurement Committee (CAP) and Advisory Committee on Procurement (ACP).

Implementation of the internal control system which ensures that Purchase orders are duly prepared and dispatched. Timely corrective actions on POs with budget check errors and other problems.

Presentation of reports on procurement in the CO. 

Preparation of cost-recovery bills in Quantum for the procurement services provided by UNDP to other Agencies.

Implementation of joint procurement processes for the UN Agencies in line with the UN reform.


     3. Supports in implementing  of sourcing strategy focusing on achievement of the following result:

Development and update of the rosters of suppliers, implementation of supplier selection and evaluation. 

Request suppliers/vendors to register online with complete information. 

Implement supplier selection and evaluation. 

Elaborate supplier selection and evaluation criteria, and quality and performance measurement mechanisms. 

Assist in the development of Long-Term Agreements/Frameworks Agreements for more efficient category management. 

Manage and implement e-procurement system in CO.


   4. Ensures organization of logistical services focusing on achievement of the following results:

Organization of travel including purchase of tickets, DSA calculation, PO preparation; arrangement of shipments; vehicle maintenance; conference facilities arrangements.

Timely conducted DSA, Travel Agencies, hotel and conference facilities surveys.


  5. Supports facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the CO focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Organize procurement training for operations and project staff.
  • Organize procurement training for vendors on e-procurement modules.
  • Synthesize lessons learned and best practices in procurement.
  • Make sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
  • Make sure all procurement files are up to date and properly maintained in the office shared file.

The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of  the Office and the Organization.




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